Thursday, March 12, 2015

Vaccine for cancer - is it real?

Is there a vaccine for breast cancer and uterine cancer? The short answer is NO.
The vaccine-preventable cancers are cervical cancer (due to HPV vaccination), hepatocellular carcinoma aka liver cancer (due to vaccine against Hepatitis B).
No other cancer can be prevented or cured by a vaccine. Some others have asked me previously if there is a vaccine against prostate cancer? There is a prostate cancer therapy for patients who have stage IV or metastatic disease that uses the principles of vaccine development. We harvest a patient's own cells and grows it in the lab against immune cells and create immunity that will fight the cancer. We then re-infuse his cells back to him. The outcome: a person who got this novel therapy will live 4 more months on average. Click here to read the study.
Coming back to my pet topic - don't get fooled by the internet-based memes. Use common sense. If you lack it, use Dr. Google.
Read this blog post to understand more about this issue:

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