Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Peace in pieces

My best friend recently said something that lingered in my mind for a long time. By the way, the best friend also happens to be the wife. "Peace in pieces", she said. As I think about what this phrase means for me, a biblical passage that comes to my mind is the one from Jeremiah 18. Paraphrased, it reads like this - "Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand, my son."

A potter has to break the clay into pieces several times before a beautiful pot is created. And, that pot will be useful only if it passes through this experience. Similarly, in my life and yours, God makes pieces out of you to create a better you. The big question is the following: Do you have peace in those pieces?

As I try to find an answer to this question in my life, I am reminded of the footprints story. 

We walk through phases in our life when we are lost in the toils and turmoils of everyday living. In those situations, our peace comes from knowing that God is holding us tight in his hands. The hands that created this universe. Do I have peace in the pieces of my broken life? 

Yes, I do. Do you?

If not, join with me in this prayer:
Father God, thank you for breaking me into pieces. Thank you for creating me into a useful vessel. Thank you Jesus for holding me tight in your hands. Give me the peace that comes from knowing you, a kind of peace that passes all understanding. I want to experience peace in my life, the one that the world cannot give, but that you give in abundant measure. Amen.

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