Saturday, February 21, 2015

Social media exposes our gullibility

This is a message that has been widely circulating in whatsapp and Facebook. It's a bogus news. Hopefully the following report from American Cancer Society will help clarify this.

What's interesting about this circulating bogus news is that most of what is written will have factual inaccuracies. For instance, there is no American doctors association. :) For the reader, one simple step to verify these information would be to google out the facts in the spams. For instance, search American doctors association. If there is a verified website, search for the information in that website. Simple right? 

Internet has exposed our gullibility. It doesn't matter if you are highly educated or not, we are all gullible to propaganda. 
In a larger perspective, this is what is being misused by dictators and religious bigots. A simple example is the anti-semitism spread by Hitler's propoganda apparatus. 

So, next time you see a fancy information on Facebook or whatsapp, verify the source. Or be prepared to be taken for a ride. 

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