Sunday, February 15, 2015

No, I can't ... No, I won't

Let me share a very interesting observation on parenting which I read in a book titled "David and Goliath" by Malcolm Gladwell. 

Several not-so-wealthy parents have said the phrase "No, I can't" when their children have demanded things from them that they could not afford. Wealthy parents have it the hard way. Their children know that the phrase no, I can't" means nothing, since it's not that they can't. They do have the money. It's that they won't. So wealthier parents should learn to say "no, I won't". And, that's the hardest part of parenting for rich parents. 

Parenting graph is not like the following image:

Instead, it's more like the below image:

The rich parent does not have it that easy. It's not a straight line association. It's a curved line. But the good thing is that it is at least not as bad as it is for the poor parent who will find it difficult to support their child in this quite affluent flashy world.  

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