Saturday, February 7, 2015


"Age is just an abstraction, not a straight jacket." Still mine. American movie - 2014. 

As a physician, I have seen numerous instances where men and women look much younger than their stated age. In fact, one of the physical examination description itself says "looks her stated age".  On the contrary during my practice in India, I have seen men and women look older than their actual age, more frequently. It makes me wonder what is it that makes Indians age faster than Americans? There can be several reasons for this - more diseases, more stress, early retirement age, society pressure etc. But I think one big factor is the "mind". The typical Indian man past age sixty starts thinking "who will take care of me when I am old". Whereas the typical American man past sixty is still independent and working hard to maintain social security. And, he probably starts thinking "where should I go after I retire". I think we Indians age faster, all else considered equal. I don't have a clear idea why this is so? What are your thoughts?

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