Thursday, April 23, 2015

Clinical trials in Cancer

This is from our Cancer Center Director:

"In 2014, 1487 brave and selfless individuals agreed to participate in interventional cancer clinical trials through our institution. Together with their physicians, they were convinced that participation in a trial represented the best possible care for their personal situation and were willing to allow all of us to learn something new along the way to help those who will follow in their footsteps. They are truly at the center of our “village” of volunteers, helping us to move ever closer to a world without cancer. All of us owe them our profound gratitude."

These men and women are the true trailblazers and heroes of medicine. I hope more and more of our own patients in India get access to ethically conducted, high impact scientific research. Thanks to the novel immunotherapies, a vast proportion of these 1487 patients responded better than expected to the experimental agents. Although they took a risk, it was probably worth it. One more smile from a loved one, one more vacation trip, a grandchild, an anniversary, etc. That's what it may have given them.

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