Wednesday, April 8, 2015

America's sons

The picture above captures an increasingly menacing issue in American society - racial tensions. Both the involved parties - the unarmed black man who was stopped by law enforcement and the white armed police officer. The officer shoots the black man as he was fleeing the scene at least eight times, in the back. If not for the anonymously captured cellphone video, the world would have assumed that the truth was what the officer screamed on the despatch call - that the man was displaying threatening behavior. Fleeing is no threat to anyone. Unless the man fleeting intends to shoot or kill people on his path. It's not the case here. Clearly this is a case of violence on behalf of law enforcement officer. And, it is likely racially motivated. 

The sad state of affairs in a country which tends to hold a moral compass on all other nations everywhere else in the world. This and other such incidents have showcased what the rest of the world already knew - America, heal thyself. 

Both these men are America's sons. Both of them are men with families, loved ones and a life that could have been lived to its fullest. Both these lives, quite like a biblical Cain and Abel story, have been destroyed. 

They are America's sons. 

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