Thursday, April 23, 2015

While India debates NaMo vs RaGa

The Parliament of India witnessed a very unusual sight on April 23rd. The ruling and opposition benches led by Mr. Arun Jaitley and Mr. Ghulam Nabi Azad unanimously rose in tribute to a young man, a first time Member of Parliament. The various leaders cutting across the political circles paid paeans to Mr. P. Rajeeve, a Rajya Sabha MP from Kerala and an active member of the CPI(M) party. His attendance, active participation in Parliamentary proceedings and his thorough study of the rules and regulations of the functioning of our lawmaking body was highlighted. It is rare that the ruling government would commend a member who has created so much problems to them, in such short time.
He has a whole host of achievements to his credit. Something that not even people who have been in the ruling class been able to achieve. He helped overturn the much maligned and abused internet rules in the IT act.

While the rest of India debates whether NaMo or RaGa is India's savior, here is a young man who clearly defines everything that an Indian wants from his representative. Morally clean, responsible, corruption-free, accountable and knowledgeable. In fact, he is much more than these. 

Mr. Rajeeve first came to my attention with his active efforts at improving the healthcare in my home town. It is no coincidence that this very month, his effort of bringing a linear accelerator to the General Hospital in Ernakulam is fulfilled. He managed to put together a collaboration of MP fund and corporate and PSU funds to pay for this project. He has previously worked hard to improve the facilities of another dialysis center. Apart from these, he has been instrumental in completing plenty of projects in the state, all of which can be accessed through his website

I hope more of our MP's take a leaf out of his book. For that, we as a people should recognize our representatives who do a stellar job, and make sure they are rewarded with more work. Although I do not support his party or its ideologies, I will not hesitate to vote for him. If we have more men and women like Mr. Rajeeve, we would soon have a government that we deserve. That would truly be the the moment when we can proudly say to the world that "India is shining".

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