Sunday, April 26, 2015

Assault of a doctor

In the Western world, assaulting a public bus driver is a grievous crime. As it says in this sign in a bus, such a person will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of law. 

In a sign of changing times, we hear more and more reports of doctors in India being assaulted by mobs. There are several reasons this happens:
- unreasonable expectations from patients and their families
- poor communication skills of a doctor
- mob mentality
- interference of local politicians 
- privatization of healthcare

Whatever maybe the reason, assaulting a doctor is never the right response. In fact, it is a criminal act. How can such acts be prevented? 

Would pasting such posters in all the hospitals and clinics help? 

"Assault of a doctor or healthcare worker is a felony. Violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law."

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