Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The second coming

Revelations 22: Jesus says "I am coming soon."  Why has not that happened yet? When is "soon". 

The answer to this intriguing question is that the original word used when translated with meaning implies - "quickly". When he comes again, which will happen, it will happen quickly. With no warning. It will be faster than we can measure. "I will come quickly."

Do not go looking for signs of his coming in newspapers. Don't believe that Obama is anyichrist, Pope is antichrist, that there is a red cow etc. The news will fade away (as it happened this past September when the UN did not declare One World, as several forwards and pastors said), but the words of the Bible holds true always. 

So when you start sharing messages about news articles, and discuss his second coming's time, you end up showing that you probably trust the newspapers more than the word of God. 

- Pastor Michelle Tolle

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