Wednesday, April 13, 2016

When God Uses Comparisons to Convict Us

Jeremiah 35:16 (Pastor Rock)

16 The sons of Jonadab the son of Rechab have kept the command that their father gave them, but this people has not obeyed me.

1. God often speaks to us about our relationship with Him by comparing it to our relationships with people in our lives.
2. God often invites us to recognize our sin by way of uncomfortable comparisons.
3. Every spiritual detour is a toll road!
4. God often invites us to recognize His love by way of comforting comparisons.
5. God only asks of us what we’re willing to give one another. But He’s often refused what we give one another!
6. Our loyalties to others often rebuke our lack of loyalty towards God.
7. Our love toward other people often rebukes our lack of love toward God.
8. Our enthusiasm for other people often rebukes our lack of enthusiasm for God and His people.
9. Our trust in people often rebukes our distrust of God.
10. Our obedience to human authority rebukes our disobedience toward God.
11. We tell ourselves God asks for the impossible, but He generally only asks for what we commonly give others.

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