Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Good Conversation

"In good conversation parties don't speak to the words, but to the meanings of each others." Ralph Waldo Emerson

How many times have you finished a conversation and you felt like both parties were talking in different wavelengths? In my case, this happens very often. Especially during these days when everyone's opinionated about something. Two areas where I have noticed this happen is in politics and spirituality. No conversation between two people in different streams of political ideologies or spiritual doctrines will get to the level of "good conversation" as defined by Emerson. 

It's sad that this is true in spirituality when the core beliefs are simple and easy to understand. There is a lack of trust, acceptance and respect in these conversations. Unfortunately, I do not see this getting better in coming days as people cease to interact with others of different belief systems. Everyone's in a cocoon of their own making. 

This will clearly change when the comforts of daily life change into the rigors of mission. My challenge for you if you have found that you are enshrined in a watertight compartment or that have not been speaking to the meanings of each other is to engage in an activity that allows loving and sharing. Work with someone else from a different doctrinal belief in sharing your time, space and talents. Aim to give more than you recieve. And slowly you will notice that you are speaking not just words, but the meanings of each other. 

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