Friday, March 4, 2016

Baptism - Yet Again

1. Baptism is important. There's different interpretations regarding infant versus adult baptism. 
Let me say what I believe in: It is a personal decision. Read the bible. Ask the Holy spirit to show you what you need to do. Pray in complete submission. Don't listen to Bishop ABC or Pastor XYZ. The Holy Spirit is your best teacher. He will show you. And, if he tells you to be baptized again, please do it openly - and not in secrecy. 

2. When someone is sick, do not create doubt into their mind whether they are saved or not. 

3. If you get baptized again, you do not have to change the church. Again, it is a personal decision. 

4. There is a debate whether baptism is essential for salvation. In numerous passages, Jesus defines salvation, not in the context of baptism. So, I am sure and certain that I am saved. Baptism is not a ritual that you do to ensure salvation. It is simply an act of public confession, and obedience (if that is something that the Holy Spirit prompts you to do).

5. I am saved. I have been baptized. I hope you do not consider me second class. I hope you would stop speaking about baptism to me again, and simply encourage me. I am trying to do the commandment of the Lord - to share the gospel to unbeliever.  An unbeliever is someone who does not believe in the God Jesus Christ. Speaking about adult baptism to me again does not fulfill the command of Jesus Christ. So, please share gospel to the unbeliever and stop wasting your effort in preaching to the saved. 

6. Finally, I know how much spiritual darkness exists in my home church. So, you do not have to again tell me about it. I am willing to hear from you about your own church and the problems that exist in your own church. 

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