Tuesday, March 8, 2016


My 72 year old patient was initially diagnosed with shoulder cancer (of the bone). Within a few months, she was diagnosed with breast cancer and had breast removal surgery. Again, within a few months, the shoulder cancer recurred. She underwent amputation of the entire arm. Within a few weeks, the breast cancer recurred. She is a devout Christian. She fosters several children who come from families of drug addicts. All of these to such a person. Yet, she smiles. 

Before her arm amputation, she wrote verses on the arm so that someone in the operating room could read them and be touched by those verses, if God permits. Such a testimony. 

She is still smiling. Her only request to me is to keep her alive for as long as I can so that she can take care of all of her foster children. Maybe we should send some of the faith healers to such a woman. Surely, God must be able to heal more than backaches, headaches, lumps, kidney stones and fibroids. 

Yesterday, she told me an incident that happened in church. An 8-year old girl asked her where her arm was. She replied, "Jesus is holding it". How true! 

Now that's what I call faith. And she has been healed already - her healing lies in eternity with Jesus. 

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