Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Does God Favor a Gender?

Recently, I went to hear Ravi Zacharias speak. As I was preparing to leave, I told my wife that there is one question I wanted to ask Ravi. Why does the bible appear to favor men? Or in other words, place women at considerable disadvantage or as a second class citizen? Apostle Paul's writings are sometimes so obviously anti-women, especially if you consider today's era of women's rights and equality. In any case, fortunately, someone else asked this question and it is today a viral video watched by nearly 800,000 people around the world. What was Ravi's response to the question: Does God Favor a Gender?

His answer is as follows:
God could have chosen any nation to come as a savior? Why did he chose the Jews? God chooses carefully, and when he does so, there is a purpose to it. The greatest truth on which the gospel hangs is the resurrection. If Christ is not raised from the dead, our faith is in vain. Why did Jesus chose to reveal it first to the women - to go and spread the word. All of Easter hangs on the testimony of womankind, with whom he trusted the entire gospel. When the woman with the Alabaster oil came, Jesus said with the highest compliment, that wherever the gospel is carried - even to the end of the earth, her name will be mentioned. He sees the woman at the well, in Samaria - he made her the first evangelist to the Samaritan world. God is incredible enough to remind us through several such stories that he speaks for equality of gender.

Click the link below to watch entire video:

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