Sunday, February 28, 2016


Life is full of rejections. One way or the other, each one of us goes through rejection. These days, it's my turn to go through them. A different kind of rejection - journals rejection research contributions.

I tried in the best journal. Rejection came in a day. I then went down to the next tier journal and it took two weeks. The third tier journal took three weeks. None faulted my methodology. All suggested that their publication was unsuitable for the article, which is actually quite right. Now I will try for a more suitable journal. If they too reject, I will truly feel the rejection where it hurts - my ego.    

The average time to get a paper accepted for publication is 6-12 months. It's frustrating. But that's one way science checks it's people - ensures authenticity, credibility and impact. There are faults in the process, but still this seems to be the best possible way at peer reviewed publishing. 

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