Sunday, February 28, 2016

Random church quotes

Some of the interesting things I heard in the last few months:

- Compassion is feeling their hurt in your heart. 

- storms in life are not caused by God, but they are filtered by Him. 

- Every humiliation and every trial is God cutting a channel into our life, so that his life can flow into us. 

- God does not change us to love us, he loves us to change us. 

- you never stop defeating yourself, until you stop deceiving yourself. 

- humility is a deep sense of one's own moral smallness. 

Philippians 4
- contentment comes out of the fruits of the spirits. If your peace is lost when circumstances changed, your contentment was based on the fruits of good circumstances. 
- contentment is based on 'needs' and not 'wants'.  
- contentment is manifested in circumstances of 'waiting'
- discontentment results in not loving others and doing things that God wants us to do. 
- discontentment clouds your decision making. 
- discontentment distorts our view of God. 

True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less. C S Lewis, Mere Christianity
- think of yourself less and you will think more of yourself and your life - in other words, you will think more of your purpose in life and serving Christ.
- Apostle Paul did not think less of himself. He thought less about himself. Philippians 2:19-30

- if anyone talks about baptism as an act of obedience, he is just talking about the legalistic aspect of it and not the act of accepting the salvation (Philippians 3: 2-3). Similarly, for circumcision - as an act of obedience, one is entrapped in the legalism of it, and therefore transforms it into the act of mutilating the flesh

- opinions are like elbows. Most people have two.

- church must save the lost and grow the saved. 

- safety is an illusion on this side of the eternity 

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