Saturday, March 2, 2019

Lydia's conversion in Philippi.

Acts 16:11-16 

Paul was stopped from going to Asia Minor and instead he sees a vision that a man was begging him to come to Macedonia. When Paul comes to Macedonia he does not find any men. He shares the gospel with the women at the place of prayer. One of them was Lydia a successful business woman who sought God. She opened her heart to the gospel. Due to her influence her household also comes to know the Lord. She then opens her home to the men of God.  Paul and Silas build the church while staying in Lydia house. She also took care of Paul after her was released from prison which shows she was avavible in both good times and bad times. The result was a strong church in Philippi. Paul in Philippians book explains how the church partnered with him and helped other churches in spread of the gospel. All this was possible because Lydia responded to the gospel and had impact on the church.What do we learn - 1. Women have an important role in the kingdom of God 2. Do we seek God like Lydia 3. Do we open our hearts to the gospel 3. Do we have an impact on our household and coworkers 3. Do we open our homes for the gospel4. Do we partner with the spread of gospel in good and times and bad times.

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