Sunday, March 17, 2019

Know The Word Week 3 - 'Father Abe'

Father Abe

Abraham is considered the patriarch of three faiths. In Christian faith, he is considered a man of faith. In fact, in Hebrews 11, which is a hall of fame of faith, Abraham gets a prominent place. What is it about him that makes him so special for so many religious faiths, and especially for us at Sharon Yuva?

In Genesis 12, we see Abraham getting 'The Call'. It was a call to leave all that he had, and knew, at his own land, and move to another distant place. How did he understand that it was The Call from The Lord? It was only because of his relationship with his creator, that he could recognize The Call, and obey it. In Fact, Genesis 18:17, The Lord says, "should I hide from Abraham what I am about to do".

First character trait of Father Abraham is that he was able to recognize the Lord's Call.

Second, he was obedient. One thing you can notice in the stories about Abraham is his obedience. He obeyed the Lord in everything. This happens only when one has a deep and strong relationship with his creator.

Third, he was willing to patiently wait for God's answer to his prayer for a child. In fact, God had promised him generations, and he had complete faith in the word of God.

Fourth, in Genesis 18, you can see how Abraham sees three men standing near his tent. He invites them to share a meal with him, with great humility. It is assumed that one of these three men portrayed in this passage in the Bible is Jesus himself. Prior to mentioning about the three men, it said, "The Lord spoke to Abraham." Even later, in that same passage, "The Lord" keeps repeating. In Old testament, one can see several such instances where Jesus appears to men. Watch out for those passages as you read the Old Testament, or ask me next time we meet.

Fifth, Abraham was a benevolent man. When he separated from Lot, you can see that Abraham asks Lot to pick the land of his choice.

Sixth, Abraham was also a courageous warrior. You can see how he strategically attacks the enemies and defeats them with fewer men. His courage comes from knowing that the source of all of his strength is the Lord God himself.

Seventh, Abraham sought to be a blessing for others.

Eight, and finally, most important trait for all of us to know, and practice - Abraham always gave thanks to the Lord God. You can see how he creates an altar and worships the Lord at every juncture. In fact, his son, Issac, when he was going to be sacrificed, also notes that the sacrificial lamb was missing. Even the boy knew what Abraham worshiped, and how. Are we showing our next generation what it means to be a true worshiper? Are we ourselves, creating altars in our lives where we thank our Lord for everything He gives us. Let's start a habit of thanking our Lord God for His love?

Study Genesis 12-25 and you will find more insights about the life of Abraham. God bless you.

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