Today, we study the history of man's fall. In fact, the first chapters of Genesis could have been all of what's known about the history of mankind, if the first man had obeyed God. God created the Earth and asked man to rule over everything. But, He also gave man the unique gift of 'free will'. It is where man has freedom to take decisions. Only when you have freedom of the will, can there be a true relationship and love. God desired just that.
The earliest appearance of the trinity of God is in these verses. Compare it with John 1. Remember, the word, Trinity, is not seen anywhere in the Bible. But the description of God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit is seen throughout the Word of God. We will revisit it later.
The book of Genesis, or the Word of God should be read as a love letter from God to man. It is not a scientific book. What's written in it should not be seen through the lens of modern scientific knowledge. Therefore, let us not deviate our focus by debating about the evolution of man, by interpreting Genesis. If you are keen on learning more, this is a good resource.
These first chapters in Genesis talks about our brand value. God said, let "us" make man in our own image. We are created in His image. Know your value. If we know our maker, we have to take care of ourselves. For that, we have to read the instruction manual of our engine - 'Word of God'.
The first two chapters of Bible had no rituals or rules. Only that you should not eat from 'that' tree. God originally intended the creation to live in close relationship with Him. He came to fellowship with us. But, man disobeyed. The disobedience is an act of questioning God's goodness.
God loved man despite his disobedience. His first question to man was, "where are you". He probably gave man a chance to seek forgiveness. We can never know. The problem of sin is that man hides from God; guilt; blame game (Adam blaming Eve). But God pursues us despite our sinfulness.He had a plan to redeem us. That plan is set in place in the third chapter of Genesis (Gen 3:15). Read this description of Jesus's virgin birth right there in Genesis. Did you know it was there? Isn't it fascinating?
Do you know your brand value?
Do you know God given instructions for living a
successful life?
Where are you in your relationship with your
Have you accepted Gods plan for redemption in
your personal life?
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