Sunday, March 31, 2019
Know the Word - week 5 - Moses: the Chosen One
Moses: the Chosen One (Exodus 1-12)
-It is likely that the exodus happened around BC 1445. A lot of data on Exodus cannot be historically placed. While a lot about the origins of Exodus is highly debated in intellectual circles, the unity of the Word of God provides me enough data to convince me about the authenticity of the Exodus story.
-The pharaoh of verse 8 may not be the same as the one in 1:15, and may not be the same as the one in 2:15. There could be at least 4 different pharaohs in the chapter 1-2. A long period is covered in these chapters.
-Note that God remembered the names of the two midwives, not the pharaohs. God remembers a lot of VIP's who are seemingly smaller, lesser ones while in the World.
-Isn't it interesting that God uses Pharaoh's daughter to bring forth the man who would eventually rescue Israel from the Pharaoh.
-Note the last paragraph in Exodus 2 where it says the Israelite's cried out to the Lord. God hears their cry. It is possible that God was ready to deliver them and was waiting for such a response from Israel.
I believe the moment when God chose Moses to be the chosen one to liberate Israelites happened when he stepped out of his comfort zone as a prince to walk into the world of the suffering Israelites (Exodus 2:11). God sees our response to the suffering that is around us. He may pick us for specific purpose based on our response. Remember this point, and meditate on it.

Exodus 4:12 - "Now therefore go, and I will be with you and teach you what to say"
The burning bush - a theophany (a physical encounter with God)
Jehovah (the Angel of the Lord) appears in a physical appearance of God himself with man.
This is the first time the word Holy is used as an adjective in bible. It's not a holy thing - does not mean that the object is blameless, it only means that the object is set apart for the exclusive use of God.
In this encounter, God takes the initiative of meeting with Moses. It has been four centuries since God talked to man. Forty years ago, Moses went searching for God when he thought he was the deliverer of Israel. Here, God comes searching for Moses. The redemption of mankind is initiated by God. He initiates the encounter that saves you and me. We have a luxury of the written word of God that speaks to us. Moses did not have it.
Chapter 3 verse 7-8
God sees
God hears
God speaks
God saves
God sends
God's name: "I am who I am" - "I will be what I will be"
Here God explains the name Yahweh. It points to the self existence of God. It is something we cannot ever relate to. God as a just God is something we can relate to. But his 'self-existence' is something we can never comprehend.
God's self-existence means:
- he has no needs
- he is not affected by anything outside himself (he cannot be pushed to do anything, he does hear cries and moves to it, but it is at his time)
- he never changes
Moses' questions God (Exodus 3-4)
- Who am I?
- What's you name?
-Why should they believe me?
- Why me?
- Why not someone else?
Exodus 5-7: Moses encounters Pharaoh
What would have happened if Pharaoh had given the permission to go worship the Lord for 3 days?
God says beforehand that the Pharaoh will not permit the Jews. Maybe it is given here to just show how harsh the Pharaoh was.
What you can see from these events is that the Gods of Egypt is also powerful and demonic. They also reproduce a lot of 'miracles'. But they have limited power. In this power encounter (between Kingdom of the demons and God), the demonic forces does strike back. But God always wins. Watch for evil miracles as end times approach. Never assume that the demons of the world are powerless.
Moses' staff has an important lesson for us. God shows him something wonderful with the staff and checks to see if Moses trusts God ("pick up the snake"). If we do that, God has a remarkable habit of using whatever we have in our hand to serve his purpose - as a mighty instrument of his.
"I have hardened the Pharaoh's heart". Romans 9 confirms this. But chapter 8 in Exodus shows that the Pharaoh himself refused to heed the warning from Moses. God uses the powerful to teach us a lesson in faith - He is sovereign. He has a plan for redemption of his people. Men and women are responsible for all the
choices that they make.

Finally, note that God's first wrath was against the Nile, which is a source of a lot of religious significance in Egypt.
Exodus 8-10: The ten plagues
-Examine the struggle of Pharaoh against God. The lesson for us is that such a struggle is futile.
-Pharaoh then tries to negotiate - you can go worship, but do not leave Egypt. Lesson: Do not negotiate with God. It is futile.
-Examine how Pharaoh hardens his own heart.
-See how Pharaoh's repentance differs from the repentance that God expects.
-Note that each of the plagues were targeted against specific Gods of Egyptians.
-Note that the Pharaoh's prophets could also do some miracles - but they could not reverse them, like how Moses could do. As the plagues progress, the Pharaoh's prophets were unable to do anything at all.
We read through an exciting period in the history of our faith. How does it apply to us in today's world? Think about it.
-The pharaoh of verse 8 may not be the same as the one in 1:15, and may not be the same as the one in 2:15. There could be at least 4 different pharaohs in the chapter 1-2. A long period is covered in these chapters.
-Note that God remembered the names of the two midwives, not the pharaohs. God remembers a lot of VIP's who are seemingly smaller, lesser ones while in the World.
-Isn't it interesting that God uses Pharaoh's daughter to bring forth the man who would eventually rescue Israel from the Pharaoh.
-Note the last paragraph in Exodus 2 where it says the Israelite's cried out to the Lord. God hears their cry. It is possible that God was ready to deliver them and was waiting for such a response from Israel.
I believe the moment when God chose Moses to be the chosen one to liberate Israelites happened when he stepped out of his comfort zone as a prince to walk into the world of the suffering Israelites (Exodus 2:11). God sees our response to the suffering that is around us. He may pick us for specific purpose based on our response. Remember this point, and meditate on it.
Exodus 4:12 - "Now therefore go, and I will be with you and teach you what to say"
The burning bush - a theophany (a physical encounter with God)
Jehovah (the Angel of the Lord) appears in a physical appearance of God himself with man.
This is the first time the word Holy is used as an adjective in bible. It's not a holy thing - does not mean that the object is blameless, it only means that the object is set apart for the exclusive use of God.
In this encounter, God takes the initiative of meeting with Moses. It has been four centuries since God talked to man. Forty years ago, Moses went searching for God when he thought he was the deliverer of Israel. Here, God comes searching for Moses. The redemption of mankind is initiated by God. He initiates the encounter that saves you and me. We have a luxury of the written word of God that speaks to us. Moses did not have it.
Chapter 3 verse 7-8
God sees
God hears
God speaks
God saves
God sends
God's name: "I am who I am" - "I will be what I will be"
Here God explains the name Yahweh. It points to the self existence of God. It is something we cannot ever relate to. God as a just God is something we can relate to. But his 'self-existence' is something we can never comprehend.
God's self-existence means:
- he has no needs
- he is not affected by anything outside himself (he cannot be pushed to do anything, he does hear cries and moves to it, but it is at his time)
- he never changes
Moses' questions God (Exodus 3-4)
- Who am I?
- What's you name?
-Why should they believe me?
- Why me?
- Why not someone else?
Exodus 5-7: Moses encounters Pharaoh
What would have happened if Pharaoh had given the permission to go worship the Lord for 3 days?
God says beforehand that the Pharaoh will not permit the Jews. Maybe it is given here to just show how harsh the Pharaoh was.
What you can see from these events is that the Gods of Egypt is also powerful and demonic. They also reproduce a lot of 'miracles'. But they have limited power. In this power encounter (between Kingdom of the demons and God), the demonic forces does strike back. But God always wins. Watch for evil miracles as end times approach. Never assume that the demons of the world are powerless.
Moses' staff has an important lesson for us. God shows him something wonderful with the staff and checks to see if Moses trusts God ("pick up the snake"). If we do that, God has a remarkable habit of using whatever we have in our hand to serve his purpose - as a mighty instrument of his.
"I have hardened the Pharaoh's heart". Romans 9 confirms this. But chapter 8 in Exodus shows that the Pharaoh himself refused to heed the warning from Moses. God uses the powerful to teach us a lesson in faith - He is sovereign. He has a plan for redemption of his people. Men and women are responsible for all the
choices that they make.
Finally, note that God's first wrath was against the Nile, which is a source of a lot of religious significance in Egypt.
Exodus 8-10: The ten plagues
-Examine the struggle of Pharaoh against God. The lesson for us is that such a struggle is futile.
-Pharaoh then tries to negotiate - you can go worship, but do not leave Egypt. Lesson: Do not negotiate with God. It is futile.
-Examine how Pharaoh hardens his own heart.
-See how Pharaoh's repentance differs from the repentance that God expects.
-Note that each of the plagues were targeted against specific Gods of Egyptians.
-Note that the Pharaoh's prophets could also do some miracles - but they could not reverse them, like how Moses could do. As the plagues progress, the Pharaoh's prophets were unable to do anything at all.
We read through an exciting period in the history of our faith. How does it apply to us in today's world? Think about it.
Sunday, March 24, 2019
Know the Word - Week 4 - Joseph: from a pit to the palace
Joseph: from a pit to the palace
Today, we read about the fascinating story of how Joseph, son of Jacob, went from a pit to becoming the prime minister of the mighty Egyptian kingdom. How did it happen? What are his unique God-given character traits?
Joseph's story starts with his mother saying that 'her disgrace is now over'. The end is defined when Jacob says that Joseph is like a fruitful vine (Genesis 49:22).
He was a man of principle. Gen 39:8 - read about how he refused to indulge in sin with his master's wife.
He was humble. Gene 45:5 shows his attitude to his family and people.
He was disciplined. Gen 39: 21-22 shows how he was entrusted with responsibilities while in prison.
He was faithful to his God (read Gen 39), as Pharaoh himself testified.
He showed mercy and compassion to his people (read how he wept in private while he was testing his brothers).
He was competent in his work.
He was wise and was strategic in his work and life (read how he rescued Egypt from famine through his strategic planning).
John Maxwell summarizes Joseph's leadership skills by citing three traits - 1, Commitment to serve God; 2, Character and integrity; 3, Competence.
In fact, the main thing that I learnt from Joseph's life is from Genesis 39. At four places, the author says that 'The Lord was with him'. As we saw from Abraham's life, and later with Jacob, and now with Joseph, the strength and wisdom of these mighty men came with this promise - The Lord was with them. Can we seek the hand of our Lord in our life? What should we do to be like Joseph?
Finally, Ms. Juby Jiby also talked about how the life of Joseph closely mirrored that of Jesus himself. See below for the examples. As we seek the Lord God in our lives, we would slowly notice that we become more like Jesus in our character. That, my friends, is what we aim to achieve with Knowing the Word. God bless you.
Today, we read about the fascinating story of how Joseph, son of Jacob, went from a pit to becoming the prime minister of the mighty Egyptian kingdom. How did it happen? What are his unique God-given character traits?
Joseph's story starts with his mother saying that 'her disgrace is now over'. The end is defined when Jacob says that Joseph is like a fruitful vine (Genesis 49:22).
He was a man of principle. Gen 39:8 - read about how he refused to indulge in sin with his master's wife.
He was humble. Gene 45:5 shows his attitude to his family and people.
He was disciplined. Gen 39: 21-22 shows how he was entrusted with responsibilities while in prison.
He was faithful to his God (read Gen 39), as Pharaoh himself testified.
He showed mercy and compassion to his people (read how he wept in private while he was testing his brothers).
He was competent in his work.
He was wise and was strategic in his work and life (read how he rescued Egypt from famine through his strategic planning).
John Maxwell summarizes Joseph's leadership skills by citing three traits - 1, Commitment to serve God; 2, Character and integrity; 3, Competence.
In fact, the main thing that I learnt from Joseph's life is from Genesis 39. At four places, the author says that 'The Lord was with him'. As we saw from Abraham's life, and later with Jacob, and now with Joseph, the strength and wisdom of these mighty men came with this promise - The Lord was with them. Can we seek the hand of our Lord in our life? What should we do to be like Joseph?
Finally, Ms. Juby Jiby also talked about how the life of Joseph closely mirrored that of Jesus himself. See below for the examples. As we seek the Lord God in our lives, we would slowly notice that we become more like Jesus in our character. That, my friends, is what we aim to achieve with Knowing the Word. God bless you.
Friday, March 22, 2019
Know the Word - Week 3 Extra - Jacob - a Deceiver who became God's Own
Jacob - a deceiver who became God's own
Unconditional election
This is exactly what we saw with Abraham and with Noah before that. God set his love on Jacob so that he could display his power, mercy, and love, and so that he could raise up a people for his name. It wasn’t because Jacob was such a good fellow—in fact, Jacob was a rascal. His very name meant “tripper-upper” or “supplanter.” The little glimpse in chapter 25 of how Jacob got Esau to give up his birthright shows us what kind of man Jacob was. And it was a very long time before God changed his character enough to give him a new name. (By the way, when this incident occurred, Jacob and Esau were not foolish teenagers; they were fully grown men.) Esau was not a promising character either. He is the prototype of the people whom Paul describes in the New Testament as those whose “god is their stomach” (Philippians 3:19). He traded his birthright for a bowl of stew—because he was hungry! In another Old Testament passage (Isaiah 41:14), Jacob is called a “worm” (not a very complimentary term either), but, even so, God chose him. Do you remember the story of the blind man whom Jesus healed in John 9? The disciples asked in that instance, “Who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” Jesus’ answer was very instructive: “Neither … but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life” (John 9:2–3). A very similar question could be asked (and indeed is asked in Romans 9) concerning Jacob. “God, did you choose him because he was good, or because his parents were good, or because he was going to be good?” The answer is, “None of those things. I chose a worm so that I could show my love, power, and mercy in turning him into Israel, the prince of God.”
A dysfunctional family
Let's became more intimately acquainted with the family of Isaac than you would care to be. A wonderful thought comes to me as I look at this family torn apart by adversarial relationships, greed, and deceit: if God can take a mess like this, if he can transform and work with a man like Jacob, then there is every reason in the world to be optimistic about what he may be able to do with us! Let’s look at our cast of characters. Isaac and Rebekah come first; they played favorites with their twin boys. Isaac loved Esau more because this son was a man’s man, a hunter, an outdoorsman, and he could provide Isaac with the kind of food that he liked to eat. Maybe, too, there was the feeling somewhere deep in Isaac’s heart that, in selecting the younger (by only a few minutes) twin, God had somehow been unfair to Esau, the older son, who now has become the underdog. Isaac wanted Esau to inherit the blessing and was determined to find a way to give it to him. Rebekah loved Jacob more, and you can be sure that for all their lives, in subtle ways, the parents were constantly playing one twin off against another. That is a sure formula for a family disaster, and this family got one! Rebekah also comes off rather poorly as the chief instigator of intrigue and manipulation here. If Jacob is a schemer and a deceiver, it’s not too tough to figure out where he learned his ways—from his mother! Rebekah knows the promise of God, but, not content to wait on God to accomplish his will, she schemes and perpetrates deception on old Isaac, who is himself consciously trying to thwart the revealed will of God. When it’s time to get Jacob out of harm’s way and Isaac’s blessing is needed, Rebekah schemes again. She knows that Isaac will agree to send Jacob back to the household of Laban to find a wife. Isaac knows the importance of not intermarrying with the Canaanite women, and Esau has already done that—twice. So Rebekah uses a proper action (the finding of a non-heathen wife for Jacob) driven by a hidden agenda (getting Jacob out of harm’s way), and she works her will on Isaac. Next, there’s Jacob. If your brother said he was starving, would you feed him only if he signed his inheritance away? Jacob is a scoundrel. I don’t like him at all. His only scruple with regard to the perpetration of the theft of the blessing is, “But Mom, what happens if the old man catches on?” This is Jacob, the father of the faithful? Then there is Esau. As far as we can tell from the biblical account, Esau has no concern for spiritual issues. He doesn’t care much about his birthright; he sells it for a bowl of stew. The idea of marrying only among those who share the worldview and value system of his fathers is just as easily discarded as a piece of clothing. He marries not one but two Hittite women. Having sold his birthright foolishly (but definitively), he still tries to hang on to it. His word is not worth keeping either, especially if it is to his disadvantage. Even Esau’s repentance is very shallow. He is not sorry for his sins; he is sorry about the consequences of his sins. That is not biblical repentance.
There are two bottom-line lessons in this family mess. First, Isaac and Esau learned that you cannot thwart the will of God. They tried, but God had spoken. The older would serve the younger, and Isaac or Esau could do nothing to overthrow the plan of God. (Neither can we.) “In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps” (Proverbs 16:9). The second lesson to learn from this family mess is the one that Rebekah and Jacob learned: the end does not justify the means. God had already decreed that the blessing would belong to Jacob. But, unwilling to trust God to bring his promise to pass, Rebekah and Jacob were willing to scheme, lie, and manipulate anyone and everyone to achieve their goal. Because they would not trust God but relied instead on their own cunning, Jacob paid the price of a long and painful exile. If God has promised us anything, then he will bring it to pass; we can trust him for that. But we must never use unrighteous methods to acquire spiritual blessings. That always ends in disaster.
Covenant of Grace - Bethel episode
A chisel - Laban
All of us are, like jewels, diamonds in the rough. Jacob certainly was rough. God is the gem master who alone has the skill to cut the rough diamond and make it into a polished gem. Other people are the tools, the hammers and chisels that he uses to produce the necessary cuts. But what if we resist his work in our lives? What if we break the hammers and chisels when he starts to use them on us? God doesn’t give up on us; he just goes out and gets a bigger hammer and a sharper chisel. He keeps on doing that until we finally learn what he is trying to teach us. Laban was one of God’s chisels in Jacob’s life. Jacob should have learned to trust God as a child in a household of faith, but he didn’t. Now he is well into middle age and still he hasn’t gotten it, but God hasn’t given up on Jacob and he’s not about to.
"God of Jacob" - Seriously? You've gotta be kiddin' me.
Over and over again, Scripture refers to God as “the God of Jacob.” In fact, that’s one of the Old Testament’s favorite names for God. Sometimes he is called “the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,” but at other times just “the God of Jacob.” (Mark this name down in your list, even though we haven’t actually seen it yet.) Now, I understand Scripture speaking of “the God of Abraham.” Abraham was the friend of God, and for all his lapses, Abraham was a stellar character. I can understand God being called “the God of David,” since, although David made some big mistakes, his heart was truly after God. I understand God being called “the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ”; that certainly seems appropriate to me. But “the God of Jacob”? Why would God want to call himself that?
As we meet Jacob at the conclusion of his time with Laban, there are a couple of important things for us to notice. First, it is evident that Jacob has learned some of what God has been trying to teach him. He is now able to clearly recognize the providence of God in his life, that is, the hand of God directing his life, protecting him, and caring for his interests. Laban’s attitude toward Jacob, though, is hardening, because he can’t seem to get the better of him no matter what he does, and Jacob says to his wives, “It's because the God of my fathers” (Jacob still can’t say “my God”) “has been with me. God hasn’t let Laban cheat me.” Jacob no longer credits his superior breeding and animal husbandry skills; he just says, “God has taken away your father's livestock and has given them to me!” God did it! Jacob still isn’t ready to completely trust God; when he leaves, he sneaks away because he’s afraid. God is still “my father's God” to Jacob—but he is ready to take the next step toward God. Jacob has learned that all that he has achieved thus far is because God has been gracious, not because he has been smart. He’s ready now for the next step. God’s infinite patience with us is so astounding. If you plateau in your Christian growth and stay at the same level for 20 years, God doesn’t go away. He’s always there. He keeps working—bringing in bigger hammers and chisels. But when you learn what’s needed at that level, he’ll show you the next step. So after a couple of decades at level 1, Jacob has learned some things, and God speaks to him again: “Go back to the land of your fathers and to your relatives, and I will be with you.” Even though going home means meeting Esau, Jacob is ready to obey. He’s still Jacob, the deceiver, so he doesn’t tell Laban he’s going; he deceives Laban and flees, running away with all that he has.
The strange and wonderful experience - Peniel

But, is he finally a new man?
Even though Jacob was a changed man after Peniel; even though God changed his name from “supplanter” (that’s what Jacob means) to “Prince of God” (that’s what Israel means); even though he was finally able to recognize his utter dependence upon God for everything—in spite of all these very definite changes, there was still a lot of the old man left in Jacob. Several places in these chapters make that quite apparent, beginning with the encounter with Esau. God has been wonderfully faithful to his promises to Jacob. He has promised him protection, even before Jacob’s crisis experience by the Brook Jabbok, and he gave it! When Laban chases Jacob, intent at the very least on mischief, God stops him. Now Esau (who had sworn vengeance against his brother, and who was now riding to meet Jacob with 400 armed men, apparently intending to make good those threats) has arrived, but instead of rage and vengeance, forgiveness and love are expressed. I wonder if Esau’s change of heart occurred at the same time that Jacob wrestled a blessing out of the angel. In any case, the scripture that says, “When a man’s ways please the Lord, he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him” (Proverbs 16:7), has found fulfillment in Jacob’s life. But even with all this, Israel has plenty of Jacob left in him. Did you notice it? Esau wants Jacob to come and stay with him at Seir, which was southeast of the brothers’ meeting place. Jacob says, “You go on ahead; I’ll follow. The young children and the flocks just can’t keep pace with you.” So Esau leaves, but instead of traveling southeast to Seir, Jacob goes northwest to Succoth. He apparently never had any intention of dwelling near Esau. After a few days, Esau was probably shaking his head, saying, “Jacob? He'll never change.”
The second indicator that the old Jacob is still hanging around in the new man Israel is that rather than proceeding directly to Bethel—the place where the call of God had summoned him—Jacob settled instead in Shechem. That was definitely not a great decision, but Jacob was not yet ready to trust God without reservations.
The third indicator is Jacob’s response to the vengeful massacre perpetrated upon Shechem by Simeon and Levi, the sons of Leah. That story, recounted in chapter 34, is another of the low points in the book of Genesis. Jacob’s reaction to his sons’ rash and unjustified revenge is less than admirable. Jacob is angry with them because they have spoiled his reputation and endangered the safety and security of his household. This is all that Genesis tells us. There is no sign that he grieved for the evil perpetrated upon his daughter, no indication of remorse about the extermination of a whole town, no rebuke for the savagery of the act or for the greed displayed when they pillaged the community, and no sense of concern for God’s honor. There is only an overriding concern for the safety of his house, just like the old Jacob who always could be counted upon to look after number one at the expense of everything else.
Here’s the point. Jacob had a real life-changing experience at Peniel; we have God’s word on that. But even after Peniel, he is more than capable of acting quite shabbily. He lies to Esau; his obedience to God is less than complete; and when push comes to shove, personal peace and security are still his leading concern. Mark this: real crisis experiences with God (conversion or post-conversion crises of sanctification) do not inoculate us against sin in our lives, and they do not instill in us a degree of maturity and holiness that puts us forever above the muck and mire of life. In fact, often in Scripture, great spiritual triumphs in crisis situations are followed by the worst failures of faith and obedience. Maybe that’s because pride goes before a fall. “So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall” (1 Corinthians 10:12). Perhaps, after Peniel, Jacob thought that spiritually he had arrived. He hadn’t! Don’t fall into that same pit. Even though our walk with God may have its own Peniel experiences (moments of crisis when we take a great leap forward in our relationship with Christ), do not ever fall victim to the notion that you have somehow now arrived. You haven’t. The greatest challenges to your newfound life will often lie just ahead. Watch out for them.
'God of Jacob' is 'God of addyournamehere'
Read Psalms 20, 46, 75, and 76 when you can. I asked you to read this somewhat eclectic collection of Psalms because each of these songs of Israel calls upon “the God of Jacob.” Quite a few other psalms share this characteristic, but these four are sufficient to demonstrate that God is often called “the God of Jacob” in Scripture. Perhaps the primary reason why we read so much about “the God of Jacob” as opposed to “the God of Abraham” or “the God of Joseph” is that Jacob was renamed Israel and fathered the twelve tribal chieftains who became the nation known as Israel. “Jacob,” then, is a kind of synonym for Israel. You can see an example of that in Psalm 14:7: “Oh, that salvation for Israel would come out of Zion! When the Lord restores the fortunes of his people, let Jacob rejoice and Israel be glad!” Since Jacob equals Israel, hence the God of Israel is “the God of Jacob.”
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