Saturday, July 9, 2016

Crossway MTC Dallas

There is hope!

I have been to several Marthoma churches around the World, in various continents. Whenever I travel, I make it a point to visit a Marthoma church. On a recent trip to Dallas, my wife and I decided to check out the new Crossway Marthoma congregation in Dallas. I had heard about it through the Sabha tharaka and through

The congregation met in a small Spanish church premise. It appeared to be in a dilapidated state - but fully functional. There was beautiful, sincere rendition of Christian music by three young women. The congregation joined the singing in genuine praise. The worship was followed by a small prayer led by a lady - it was sincere, genuine and really an expression of heart's prayer. The sermon followed this - it was really one of the best sermons I have heard in the last year. A lay member of the church spoke from Elijah's story in 1 Kings 19 - facing life's disappointments. There were several great thoughts to ponder on. I could see that the congregation was, for the most part attentive. At this juncture, let me state that I had attended a prominent church in Trivandrum in March of this year. I literally counted the two rows ahead of me and two behind, including mine. Out of the 20 people I counted, 75% were dozing away or completely distracted. In comparison to that, this was a refreshing change.

The congregation started as a result of the persistent prayer and dedication of a group of young families who were burdened about youngsters leaving the faith. They expressed a desire to start a congregation and the Bishop was extremely generous in granting that request.

I believe that Marthoma church is God's own church (among several such churches in the World). We have a unique calling and unique ministry that only we can accomplish. I believe that a church needs waves of revival when it may be slowly losing it's calling. We are at a critical time. Our church is vast enough to allow such experiments. Let's not be threatened by such congregations and rather let us encourage it. I appreciate the bishop to have permitted this new method of worship, which is totally different from the existing Marthoma church worship. We are a big church. Certainly, we can accommodate various ways of worship. Let a new wave of revival sweep out of Dallas into rest of North America, and eventually into Kerala.

I hope that the congregation does not lose it's vision. I hope that they steadfastly pray. I also hope that such groups spring up wherever it has a relevance and a spiritual need. Indeed, there is hope in the church.

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