Monday, May 23, 2016


A month and half ago, I saw her last. I had been giving her chemotherapy for breast cancer. She had disease in brain, bone, liver and lungs. She was weak, but was working actively until January 2016 when I asked her to stop being generous. She was the director of a nursing facility that took care of alzheimer's patients. I once asked her why she was working despite her own sickness. She replied, "I want to train others in what I am doing, so this is carried on." Such was her spirit of life. She was an active practicing christian, who really enjoyed living, and life. She and her husband of 34 years, saw me in April - she was visibly quite weak, and forgetful. Quite unlike her. Until the previous visit, we were going full course, and she was doing well. I told her that I am stopping chemotherapy. To my surprise, she replied - "Yea" - with her both hands going up in triumph. Hearing her response, I remember laughing out aloud. Her husband was also quite relieved that I was stopping her chemotherapy. 

I will remember her generosity and courage in the face of complete adversity. She loved smoothies!

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