Tuesday, May 3, 2016

In Memoriam - John Zachariah Sir

People who know me well are quite aware of the fact that I spend a lot of time in the past. I enjoy being nostalgic, pondering the good and bad memories from my younger years. In fact, I draw strength to live today and tomorrow through the yesterday. Throughout my life, there are very few people who have left an indelible mark on my life as John Zachariah sir has done. On May 2nd, 2016, he left for his heavenly abode. He was a Sunday school teacher, a well respected elder in church, a good neighbor, a great worker in missions and many more. More importantly, he has been part of my family, and a faithful friend of my father for over three decades. 

A person may gain riches and fame while living, but when he dies all he takes with him are the precious jewels he accumulates in the spiritual realm. When Christ meets John Zachariah sir over the clouds and welcomes him into the precious eternal life, he would certainly receive lots of accolades (Matthew 6:20) - especially for the souls he has won for Christ. 

As a Sunday School headmaster, he was committed to his work. According to his perspective, that meant giving frank and honest advice and opinion, and ensure discipline. I remember that he once told my father that I am a lazy boy. He was quite honest in that assessment of me, and it served to correct me. I used to be quite late to Sunday School, and since that comment, I tried to be more careful with my attendance. These days, we hesitate to speak our mind as we risk offending others. He spoke his mind to encourage me, and to spur me on to be a better man. As a young boy attending Sunday School camp, I have overheard several older boys teasing him whenever he came to ensure discipline in the dormitory - almost always behind his back, and when the light has been switched off. Still, he did his job faithfully. He led the church in this most crucial ministry and mentored countless youngsters. He was never the sort of person who would be a pious, spiritual person. He was always genuine in his interactions with children. 

I need to think of only one incident in my life to remember him for my lifetime. In the early hours of an October morning in 1999, as I was leaving for the first time to attend Medical School in Trivandrum, he paid me a visit despite the torrential 'thulavarsham' rains, in his trusted bicycle. Knowing that my grandfather would have done that if he was alive, John Zachariah sir stepped into that role and blessed me that morning prior to the beginning of my 'doctor' journey. Unfortunately, I do not think anyone would do such a thing in today's world. 

In Church matters, he was always open and honest in his opinions, and always volunteered his time, money and energy. I think if there are few words that comes to my mind when I think of him, it will be honesty, energy, enthusiasm, love and generosity. As a matter of fact, I know that he has financially supported several people in our church and outside. 

His home in Kaloor was always an open home. Missionaries, priests, random strangers, even children like me found love and warmth in his home. I am reminded of the Missions India prayer meeting that he hosted for several years on a weekday evening. In fact, I remember eating several meals at his home, served with love by ammachy. She was one of my first teachers as she taught me Sisuvakup in Sunday School. Quite easily, they were one of the earliest power couples I have seen in my life. They had a great life and served the Lord mightily together - more than what could have been possible alone. Such is the beauty of a marriage 'made in heaven'. 

I will certainly miss John Zachariah sir. But I am proud of the legacy that he has left for the younger generation. He served a mighty King, and I am sure he will hear the words that he must have always yearned to hear - "Well done, good and faithful servant." 

It is people like him who give me the strength to walk into my future. 

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