Sunday, April 14, 2019

Know the Word - Week 7 - Joshua: A life well-lived

Joshua: A life well-lived

1. Joshua was picked by Moses to be his successor. But the decision was God's. 

2. God prepares his leaders. Joshua did not just wake up one morning with God tapping him on the shoulder saying, ‘Joshua, go take Moses’ place.’ For nearly 40 years, Joshua had been the apprentice of Moses. When Moses went up on the mountain to talk with God and receive from him the Ten Commandments, Joshua went with him (though he did not go all the way to the top of the mountain). When Moses went into the Tent of Meeting to talk with God, Joshua stood watch at the door. When Moses stood on the hill with his arms uplifted, it was Joshua who led the troops into battle. I do not believe that anyone could ever have been more thoroughly trained for the job he was being called to do than Joshua was. By now I am certain that you are aware that leadership training, through apprenticeship relationships, is absolutely critical in the church of Jesus Christ. We cannot thrive and grow without it!

3. When God picked Joshua to lead Israel, he would have felt overwhelmed. But God did three things:
a) He reminded Joshua of the promise he gave Abraham and Jacob
b) He prepared a plan for Joshua to follow - the Book of the Law
c) He promised Joshua that He will go with him.

He does that with us even now. He reminds us of the promise He has given us for our future - that we will be with him when the trumpet blows. He has given us an instruction manual for life - the Bible. He has promised us that He will be with us. 

Things to ponder: Why did God re-do the miracle on the river for Joshua, like he did for Moses at the Red Sea? Why did Joshua create a memorial out of stones in the river bed?

Remembering what God has done in our life is crucial for a healthy relationship with God.

We, too, need to remember, because like Israel of old, we too tend to forget. Not long before these monuments were built, Moses had taught the people much about remembering God. Remembering can keep us from future sin. The memorials were intended to help Israel to remember, and remembering is an extremely important thing for us to do as well. I trust that in your walk with God there are some memorials that you have established - some private monuments - to help you remember who you are, to remember who God is, and to remember what God has done.

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