Sunday, April 7, 2019

Know the Word - Week 6 - Moses: A Holy Discontent

Moses: A Holy Discontent

Moses was a prince in the mighty Egyptian empire. He had every luxury possible for a young man. But his heart was grieving by the fact that his own people, the Israelites, were reeling under the burden of the Egyptian whip. He was discontent with what he was hearing from his palace courtiers.

And then, he decided to STEP OUT of his comfort zone. Read Exodus 2:11 where it says that he walked out to see the suffering of the Jews, his own people.

God had promised the father of the Jewish faith, Abraham, and the patriarch Jacob who was later called Israel, that He would prosper them in the  promised land. But here they were, suffering under Egyptians as their slaves for a long time. He heard the cries of His people. God's heart was also grieving for His people.

When Moses saw the suffering of his people, his discontentment met with the desires of the God Almighty. A holy discontent grew inside of Moses.

God picked Moses to be the chosen one to liberate Israel from Egypt's deathly claws.

Even in today's world, we see such men who have been affected by the sorrow and suffering they see in the society. And then God honors their desires with a purpose-filled calling. I can narrate two examples where Marthoma Youths have been moved by a God-given Holy discontent. 

1. Mumbai's Navajeevan center now takes care of the children of sex workers in the red street. It started out of a Holy Discontent in the heart of a young man named Mr. Anson Thomas.

2. Ernakulam's Girideepthi tribal hostel was borne out of a similar Holy Discontent that was affecting several youth league members in Ernakulam Centre.

There are countless numbers of similar interventions of the mighty God in our World. He is still working in our hearts. Are you affected by something you see around you? If so, it could be the beginning of a Holy Discontent. Pray to God that he fan the flames of such a feeling. Work on your Holy Discontent. God will bless you and use you to fulfill a purpose for your existence. 

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