Friday, September 18, 2015

Worship - sermon notes, Pastor Rock Dillaman

Worship - sermon notes, 
- Pastor Rock Dillaman
1. Worship can flourish in the midst of evil! It’s rooted in our souls, not our circumstances.
2. Worship is a lifestyle of honoring God with uncompromised love and determined submission.
3. Authentic worship isn’t an event, it’s a lifestyle, and the evidence of its existence is authentic holiness.
4. Worship is not for the faint of heart! It calls for courage.
5. Authentic worship contradicts the value systems of the world and will always face criticism.
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1. Worship can flourish in the midst of evil! It’s rooted in our souls, not our circumstances.

2. Worship is a lifestyle of honoring God with uncompromised love and determined submission.

3. Authentic worship isn’t an event, it’s a lifestyle, and the evidence of its existence is authentic holiness.

You can jump high in church but walk crooked when you land

4. Worship is not for the faint of heart! It calls for courage.

5. Authentic worship contradicts the value systems of the world and will always face criticism.

6. Things initially seen as waste are often valued in heaven.

7. In God’s Kingdom it’s the recipient - not the gift - that determines the gift’s value.

8. Authentic worship serves the world even when the world doesn’t recognize that reality.

9. Authentic worship is extravagant in that it gives God its very best.

10. It’s our sacrifice that determines extravagance - not cost.

11. Worship has implications we could never fully anticipate and may not see at all.

12. Jesus puts meaning into the worship He accepts.

13. Authentic worship is content with anonymity. The knowledge that Jesus knows is enough for those who believe Jesus knows!

1. Worship can flourish in the midst of evil! It’s rooted in our souls, not our circumstances.
2. Worship is a lifestyle of honoring God with uncompromised love and determined submission.
3. Authentic worship isn’t an event, it’s a lifestyle, and the evidence of its existence is authentic holiness.
4. Worship is not for the faint of heart! It calls for courage.
5. Authentic worship contradicts the value systems of the world and will always face criticism.
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1. Worship can flourish in the midst of evil! It’s rooted in our souls, not our circumstances.
2. Worship is a lifestyle of honoring God with uncompromised love and determined submission.
3. Authentic worship isn’t an event, it’s a lifestyle, and the evidence of its existence is authentic holiness.
4. Worship is not for the faint of heart! It calls for courage.
5. Authentic worship contradicts the value systems of the world and will always face criticism.
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