Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Christ's second coming

Christ's second coming
I am no bible scholar. But I know this - Jesus promised us He will come again. The great hope of Christian life is that He will come again, and when that happens, our responsibility is to be blameless and holy. The work of the Holy Spirit in every believer is to help us become holier each day. I for one know it is extremely challenging. But, that's exactly what we should aim to be - blameless and holy. 
While we await the second coming of the Lord, it is good to also recognize what the Bible teaches about the time when He will come. There are lots of passages in the Bible we can study and interpret and maybe even over interpret. Let's just look at what Jesus said.
1. He will come like a lightning - it will be quick, at a time when we do not expect, and everyone will see it.
2. The World will be just like the time before the great flood in Noah's days.
3. No one knows the time and the day or hour.
4. He has prepared room for you - He is coming back to give you eternal life with Him.
5. Be ready for His coming, always.
What can we learn from these statements in the gospels (For eg; Matthew 24)?

- Don't believe anyone if they say they know the exact time when Jesus will come again. No one will know it. Jesus said it. 

- Be ready always - aim to live a blameless, holy life. 

- Put your hope and trust in His words, and live a life of watchful waiting.
Meanwhile, as we instruct and warn our fellow believers, what is the one thing we should maintain? Discernment. Let me explain. For instance, there is a statement that the American healthcare law, nicknamed Obamacare, has mandated placement of a chip in everyone's body. Is this true? I have searched the 2500+ page document. There is absolutely no mention of this. Has anyone been subjected to a chip placement? No. So, are we propagating falsehood when we forward whatsapp messages that we get stating such false news? Yes.
This is the problem with enthusiastic Christians. We are blinded by our pastors and teachers. We gulp whatever they throw at us. We believe all the whatsapp messages we get. Including this one. Make it a practice to verify information before passing it on.
What is the consequence of such lack of discernment? People stop trusting your words. If we propagate one false news, what is the guarantee that the rest of your statements are correct? It is the like the famed children's story of a boy who tricked his villagers about a tiger coming to kill them. He manages to scare them once, twice, three times. But then, when the tiger really came, no one believed him.
So, dear fellow believers. Let us not be like that boy, and cause confusion among the rest of the fellow believers. Let us not spread rumors. 

Instead, let us await His second coming with hope, and live a life of faith and love.  Let us encourage each other in their walk to become a mature Christian.

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