Monday, May 4, 2015

Old and New

Long long time ago, when I was a little kid shuttle badminton was the most popular game in our locality. We used to play long hours during vacation time, and almost an hour every day during school days. And that too, in makeshift backyards. There were too many variables - the available land area, cooperating neighbors, ability to climb walls to fetch the shuttle, broken or bend racquets, and last but not the least the destroyed feathers.

In those days, one feather shuttle was good for two good games. After that, the feather goes one by one. We still played. A shuttle cost Rs. 6.5. Quite an expensive game during those days. As I get back to the game now, the times have changed. Plastic has replaced feather. And one shuttle lasts at least two dozen good games.  

Twenty years from now, what would I be writing about? 

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