Wednesday, May 6, 2015

How does lifelong friendships take form?

The title is self explanatory. My simple question is this - what does it take to make a friend for life? 

Let me give you an illustration from my father-in-law's (FIL) life. While being a third year engineering student, he and Mr. PV, a first year student shared a common room. Couple of days prior to their examination, PV started to have fevers with exanthematous rash formation. My FIL immediately suspected chicken pox or measles, highly infectious diseases. If it was one of these, which in all likelihood it was, his risk of getting infected was extremely high. It would have jeopardized his chance of writing the final exam and graduating on time. He had plenty of problems at home already. And now this. 

After some thought, he made a crucial decision. "I will not let this boy down". He went and told PV that he did not intend to leave the room, and both of them prayed together. Would you believe me if I say that his fever and rash resolved in two days. Both the students wrote the exam and secured good jobs. 

Several years later, PV told my FIL that from that day onwards, he used to pray for my FIL every single day of his life. 

Friendships that last a lifetime are cemented on expressions of love and sacrifice. And, blessed by God. 

Few years ago, upon hearing that PV was sick, my FIL went to see him. After prayer, PV asked my FIL to hug him dearly. "I hugged him tight."  

He died a week later. 

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