Monday, May 6, 2019

Know the Word Week 10 - Ruth: A tale of mercy

Ruth: A tale of mercy

Ruth's story in the bible teaches us a lot of things about her character. She displayed exceptional:
- confidence in her family and her mother-in-law
- faith in the God of her family
- obedience to her mother-in-law
- courage to take seminal decisions

The story of Ruth also teaches us about:
1. God's redemption: he redeemed the deep despair of Naomi (she was widowed, lost all, was in a strange alien land) and converts it into a success story (she became a great great grandmother of Jesus Christ himself - see Matthew 1; genealogy of Jesus).
2. Ruth's story is a tale of Mercy: Boaz displayed the mercy that God shows each one of us. He did not have to show mercy on Ruth. Yet, he did just that.
3. It also showed the providence of God. Ruth did not end up in Boaz's field out of sheer luck. It was God's great providence.

Home work: Read Proverbs 31 to know more about the characteristics of a Godly woman. 

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