Sunday, February 18, 2018

A sister's response

I had been in touch with the sister of my young patient, a mother of four beautiful children, who was facing death in the form of  a very critical cancer. Let me share the message she wrote to me one day. I think it is an exemplary example of faith in action.

"We gave her healing and life to our sweet Jesus and we trust He works us with His wisdom and care. Someone asked me “Why you, and your family?” I said why not?!? We are no more special than the homeless fellow on the street or the drug abusing single mom in the hospital. God loves us all the same. Our value is not in who we are but in whom owns us. Why us? Because Jesus wills it! For our good and His glory. Help us Lord see the good and give you your glory though this!

“How can you keep up your faith in these times when God doesn’t seem to be answer?” I replied: we don’t and can’t. But Jesus IS working it out in our lives one day at a time. Our faith is God’s tool of claiming us as His and also a conduit of His presence in our lives. Our faith is “God in us” not a cheap spiritual platonic Hallmark card! We are in this trial my family and I because He willed it for us before the foundation of the world. Glory to Him still!"

After the sister's death:

Waves of sorrow and oceans of tears. I Feel like I’m drowning and the truth is, I want to feel this way right now. On the bottom of the ocean of grief, holding on to her dress she wore last, and sobbing is where I want to camp for a while... This journey has been unbelievably hard and deeply bonding. But his mercy...holds each and every one of our tears. He is close to me and I feel him now more than ever. His jar must have become ten buckets and that’s ok.

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