Sunday, June 26, 2016


Abraham must have quietly wept 
Joseph must have felt torn apart
Jacob must have grieved 
David must have been heart broken
Jonah must have rebelled
Peter must have wailed loudly
Paul must have felt disappointed 
When their questions were met with silence 
From the one who knew all answers 
Why does silence have to be so hard
When I know that 
He never stops to listen
And that his answer will surely come
Is it my sinful nature, is it my lack of faith
That makes the silence so very painful
Or is this too part of His plan
To mould me into a useful vessel
Lord of all creation,
May the silence not destroy my soul. 

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Food experiments during vacation


Bread pudding topped with ice cream 

Gumbo (Vendakka and rice)

Japanese tomato ramen

Japanese seafood ramen

Mexican dessert - basically honey and sugar poured on poori

Mexican enchilada 

Banana boiled in warm coconut milk 

Kappa biriyani in goat curry

Egg sandwich 

Apple cinnamon pan cake  with bacon and sausage 

Pineapple and lime juice 

Turkey crepe

Blueberry crepe

Boiled crawfish 

Blackened mahi mahi fish 

Nutella banana crepe

Crawfish Tail ettuffe 


Deep dish pizza 

Fried seafood 

Fried alligator 

Citrus chicken salad

Strawberry crepe 

Fear of the unknown

A quote that I stumbled upon recently, while watching a documentary on great white sharks. 

People fear what they don't understand and hate what they can't conquer.
             - Andrew smith 

How to debate doctrinal differences?

Since my boyhood, I have always been involved with doctrinal struggles. People who consider themselves right, and their interpretation of God's word as the correct one have tried to impose their view on me. Often, it comes at significant emotional turmoil and disrespect to everything I stand for. In fact, it often brings with it so much disillusionment with Christian beliefs and several youngsters are driven away from Christian Faith. 

I recently read a nice article written by Baptists preacher and blogger Tim Challies. He is arguing why he does not believe in pedobaptism. But more importantly, what I exhort you to look out for is his respectful discussion and his acknowledgement of the power of God's word to talk to a person in different ways, personally. Watch out for the last paragraph. 

See link below.

I hope if you are involved with doctrinal issues with your loved ones, be it a child or a parent or a sibling, you would maintain this understanding. God bless you. 

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Mencken's solution to complex problems

To paraphrase an observation made by the American writer H.L. Mencken: For every complex problem, there is a solution that is simple, neat and wrong.

- from Peter Bergen's CNN Edit following Orlando shooting.