Wednesday, January 20, 2016

What do you want me to do for you?

Jesus asked the question to a blind man. His name was Bartimaeus. And the simple answer was - "Rabbi, I want to see". No superfluous words. No impressive prayer style, and certainly no tears. A very simple request. It came out of absolute faith, that Jesus is able to heal. 

The response from Jesus: "Go, your faith has healed you". 

Sometimes, we all need such faith. And often, to get to that level of faith, we all need to experience Jesus is some way or the other. In Bartimaeus case, he usually sat by the roadside and must have certainly heard of Jesus before. He knew of Jesus' mighty deeds. So, it was quite easy for him to excercise his faith once he actually met Jesus. 

Like him, we should also experience Jesus daily. We must pray, meditate and study the word of God. Once we are familiar with Him, we can answer the question He asks, in faith. 

"Father, heal me". 

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