Monday, July 20, 2015

First day

Image result for first day at school
Another first day in my life. I have had so many of these that I have lost count - first day at nursery and first grade (I still remember crying and watching my dad walk away), first day at the new school where I found all my friends, first day at the board exams in tenth grade (I cried yet again), first day at the eleventh grade, first day at medical school (I reached late), first day at graduate school (I had trouble tying a tie and ended up half an hour late because of that), first day at the new hospital for residency, first day for fellowship, first day at new work, and finally today, the first day seeing patients as an independent medical practitioner in the United States. There's a nervous excitement, naah, I would say an anxiety. I know I will be fine, because I know I am walking in God's will. When that happens I have peace.
But still, it's a first day nonetheless. Thankfully, my parents arrived and they were there to send me away. Papa ironed my shirt as always. Amidst all the first days, I have that sense of constancy in my life for which I am thankful to the utmost. The constancy of having people who love you from the bottom of their hearts. I am just plain and simple grateful today. And, if you are wondering - I did not cry today.
I did go through another of my old traditions - I read Psalms 121. Now, off to the clinic.

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