Sunday, July 28, 2019

Know the Word: Week 16: Why do we have four different Gospels?

Know the Word: Week 16: Why do we have four different Gospels?

Gospels were never meant to provide a historical picture of the life and times of Jesus. It is meant to communicate the various uniqueness of our Messiah. For instance, the gospel according to Matthew talks about the Messiah (because the intended reader is a Jew). Luke was meant to provide a glimpse of Jesus's inclusiveness - it's intended reader is the Gentile. Mark provides a greater emphasis of Jesus' miracle working nature - showcases his coming to the world as the son of man, to accept us as his children. He emphasizes that we must follow him by carrying the cross. John takes a totally different approach and provides a complete picture of the deity of Jesus - as the son of God, as the source of all life-giving water.

Altogether, the Gospels help us understand our savior and prepares us to receive him as the One who laid down his life for our sins and redeemed us. 

Know the Word: Week 15: Why study the book of Revelations?

Know the Word: Week 15: Why study the book of Revelations?

The story of man starts in Genesis in perfection - how God created mankind. But, Adam and Eve sinned and lost the relationship with God. In fact, Genesis ends with Joseph in a coffin (death). That's why the book of Revelations is key to understanding God's plan for redemption. God promises the creation of the new Jerusalem (restoration).

I will just meditate on the first few verses of Revelations 1.

1. Please note that Revelations was written by Apostle John after he was banished into the island of Patmos. In that place of loneliness, God makes a personal revelation to him. Revelations is a description of that personal interaction with the almighty God. Even in our times of loneliness and brokenness, God is near us. He is ready to talk to us. He is ready to reveal his glory.

2. Revelations is intended for God's servants. It's not for the unbelievers. See verse 1. You will understand the deep truth of the book only if you first accept Jesus as your personal Lord and savior.

3. Revelations is the only book where there is a promise for God's blessings if you read, study, and practice the message. If you want to be blessed, study the book of Revelations, and practice a life of eager expectation for the eternal life with Jesus.

4. Finally, where it states that Jesus is coming soon, the original Greek translation intends the word as 'quickly'. Jesus will come quickly. With no warning. So, Revelations reminds us to be prepared.